#RIIL Awards
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League to honor 23 individuals at May 8th RIIL Awards Breakfast
(Updated May 2, 2024)
April 19, 2024
WARWICK, RI – The Rhode Island Interscholastic League will honor 23 individuals, including 16 student-athletes, for their exemplary achievements and contributions over the past year at its 12th annual RIIL Awards Breakfast, to be held Wednesday, May 8, 2024 from 9-11:15 a.m. at the Quonset “O” Club, 200 Lt. James Brown Rd., North Kingstown. (Registration from 8:30-9 a.m.). In addition, the RIIL will present Brady Toner of Rogers High School with the 2024 Local 51 Scholarship.
Tickets, which cost $26 per person, may be purchased online at https://gofan.co/app/school/RIIL by May 3rd. For more information, contact Susana Borges via email at [email protected] or by phone at the League Office at 401-272-9844. No tickets will be sold at the door. The honorees:
RIIL Student-Athlete of the Year Awards
Presented by Blue Cross & Blue Shield of RI
Wayne McNamara, Lincoln High School
Leila W.X. Hopkins, Classical High School
RIIL Leadership & Service Awards
Presented by Bank Rhode Island
Maura Pendergast, Scituate High School
Adeline Areson, Toll Gate High School
Nolan Rogalski, Cumberland High School
Adam Beaudry, Woonsocket High School
RIIL Distinguished Achievement Award
Emily Ballard, Chariho High School
Griffin Crain, Bishop Hendricken High School
Alexia DiLorenzo, Johnston High School
Chukwuemeka Ezeama, Smithfield High School
Alexandra Stoehr, Westerly High School
Peter Vachon, Cranston West High School
Samantha Vernancio, Cranston High School East
Arden Katherine Wilkes, Mt. Hope High School
RIIL Unified Sports Award
Brady Cullen, Ponaganset High School Athlete
Luke Daponte, Ponaganset High School Partner
RIIL Spirit of Sport Award
Keith MacDonald, Portsmouth High School Football Coach
RIIL Distinguished Service Award:
John Abbate, Burrillville Athletic Director
Susan Chandler, Exeter/West Greenwich H.S. Principal
Elaine Lyden, Gymnastics Official
Emma Ofner, La Salle Academy Athletic Trainer
Jamey Vetelino, Westerly Athletic Director
Rhode Island College Athletic Department
2024 Local 51 Scholarship Recipient
Brady Toner, Rogers High School
#RIIL Awards Breakfast#RIIL Awards#Blue Cross Blue Shield of RI#BankRI#Bank Rhode Island#Leila Hopkins#Classical#Wayne McNamara#Lincoln#John Abbate#Burrillville#Susan Chandler#Exeter/West Greenwich#Elaine Lyden#Gymnastics#Emma Ofner#La Salle Academy#Jamey Vetelino#Westerly#Rhode Island College Athletics#Ponaganset#Luke Daponte#Brady Cullen#Keith MacDonald#Spirit of Sport#Portsmouth
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Viola Davis Lakoni Michelle Obama dalam Serial TV " First Ladies "
Fertaya Gurtaen - Artis Hollywood, Viola Davis, diyakini buat memainkan eks Ibu Negara Amerika Serikat, Michelle Obama, dalam satu serial tv baru yang dibuat oleh Showtime. Pengumuman sah ini dikatakan pada Jumat (7/2).
Michelle sendiri adalah istri dari Barack Obama, Presiden kulit hitam pertama di Amerika Serikat. Dalam satu jajak opini yang dilaksanakan oleh Gallup pada Desember 2019, Michelle mendiami barisan pertama untuk wanita yang paling dikagumi di Amerika Serikat.
1. Serial TV itu berjudul " First Ladies "
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/3533f9e65cbe5bdce9d590bcf1ca005c/fc693b261330628d-c8/s540x810/2da4aa9b41156eae0ebca96854d5e1f6e24fa440.jpg)
Serial TV berjudul " First Ladies " itu gagasannya dapat dibuat oleh rumah produksi Davis yang memiliki nama JuVee Productions serta dapat ditampilkan di Showtime, satu jaringan tv premium di Amerika Serikat. Showtime sendiri populer dengan sejumlah serialnya seperti Homeland serta Shameless.
Pada musim pertama, " First Ladies " dapat focus buat " membeberkan gorden dibalik kehidupan personal serta politik dari perempuan-perempuan yang penuh dengan teka-teki " untuk seorang Ibu Negara juga sekaligus individu biasa.
Ini menarik sebab banyak orang pemula yang ingin tahu buat ketahui seperti apa hari-hari seorang wanita yang tidak cuma berubah menjadi istri serta ibu, namun juga hidup benar-benar dekat sama kisaran kekuasaan dari satu negara adidaya.
2. Tidak cuman Michelle, ada dua eks Ibu Negara lain yang diangkat ceritanya ke monitor kaca
Dua eks Ibu Negara lain yang namanya benar-benar disukai banyak orang sampai waktu ini merupakan Eleanor Roosevelt (istri Franklin D. Roosevelt) serta Betty Ford (istri Gerald Ford). Cerita hidup kedua-duanya saat berubah menjadi penghuni Gedung Putih bakal dijadikan serial TV " First Ladies ". Namun, Showtime menyampaikan belumlah ada dua artis yang diseleksi buat memainkan Eleanor serta Betty.
Betty sendiri dilihat untuk Ibu Negara Amerika Serikat pertama yang benar-benar aktif lewat cara politik serta sosial. Dia memberi dukungan gerakan wanita menjurus lebih progresif termasuk juga dalam soal kesetaraan penghasilan serta kesehatan reproduksi. Dan Eleanor, disukai banyak orang dalam memberi dukungan perubahan hak asasi manusia di Amerika Serikat, diantaranya berkenaan hak-hak sipil masyarakat kulit hitam.
3. Davis mengakui " benar-benar bangga " dapat memainkan Michelle Obama
Peranan baru untuk salah seorang wanita paling dikagumi di Amerika Serikat membuat Davis semangat. " Benar-benar bangga! ! ! Memuliakan serta mengusung beberapa Ratu yang kuat serta memiliki nilai ini dengan sikap hormat, " cuit Davis melalui account Twitter pribadinya.
Tidak kalah dari beberapa pendahulunya, Michelle juga aktif dalam memajukan pelbagai ketetapan sosial di Amerika Serikat. Dia mengadvokasi pendidikan buat semua kelompok, kesadaran dapat kemiskinan, dan mempromokan makanan sehat serta mempunyai nutrisi di sekolah-sekolah publik.
Selesai tidak tinggal di Gedung Putih, Michelle mengeluarkan memoir yang berjudul " Becoming " yang menyorot mengenai perjalanannya untuk seorang pengacara kulit hitam sampai hingga ke pusat politik di Amerika Serikat. Diluar itu, dia serta suaminya udah sepakat dengan Netflix mau membuat film dan dokumenter yang dapat di kerjakan oleh rumah produksi Obama, Higher Ground.
4. Davis jadi pemenang Oscar buat film " Fences "
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e6aa009341b1e543f7d32ebd9109886d/fc693b261330628d-62/s540x810/02667c8c5dbd9f98b3bb02ce55971ba3fb87f07a.jpg)
Nama Davis sendiri termasuk elit di Hollywood. Dia dinominasikan buat empat penghargaan Golden Globes serta dua British Academy Film. Di semasing penghargaan, dia menggondol satu trofi.
Davis pula jadi pemenang Oscar buat category Artis Simpatisan Terpilih melalui film " Fences ". Dia diangkat berubah menjadi pemeran peranan kulit hitam pertama yang dapat bawa pulang tiga penghargaan tidak sama yakni Oscar, Emmy serta Tony Awards. Waktu ini, Davis sedang menuntaskan serialnya yang berjudul " How To Get Away With Murder " yang ditampilkan di ABC serta Netflix.
5. Showtime menyebutkan kerja sama seperti Davis merupakan " mimpi yang menjadi realita "
Presiden Hiburan di Showtime, Jana Winograde, menyampaikan kenyataan jika Davis memainkan Michelle merupakan satu " mimpi yang menjadi riil " baginya. " Selama histori, beberapa istri presiden udah dapatkan dampak yang gemilang besar, tidak cuma pada beberapa pemimpin bangsa, namun juga negaranya sendiri, " kata Winograde, seperti dilansir Sky News.
" 'First Ladies' benar-benar pas ada di rumah drama serta politik Showtime, membuka berapa besar resiko jalinan personal pada peristiwa-peristiwa domestik global, " lebih Winograde.
Ini dapat jadi sekali-kalinya Michelle di kisahkan dalam satu serial TV. Awal kalinya, artis Tika Sumpter memainkan dianya sewaktu masih terbilang muda dalam film Southside With You yang muncul pada 2016.
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tobadatu.com, Medan | Tokoh muda dan juga pengusaha asal Kota Medan, Bobby Afif Nasution mengunjungi salah satu sentra pusat oleh-oleh sirup Markisa Noerlen di Jalan Sei Tuan, No 7, Medan, Kamis (27/12/2019).
Bobby Nasution sengaja mampir ke salah satu tempat wisata kuliner Markisa Noerlen yang selama ini sudah dikenal para wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara. Markisa Noerlen sendiri memproduksi sirop berbahan dasar markisa dengan cita rasa khas manis asam serta dikemas dalam botol.
Di sini Bobby diterima pemilik gerai Markisa Noerlen, Rachmi Novianti dengan ramah. Bahkan Rachmi Novianti yang akrab disapa Mimi, mengajak ayah satu anak itu berkeliling ke setiap bagian dari Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM).
Tak lupa perempuan berusia 50 tahun itu, menjelaskan sejarah berdirinya industri rumahan yang dapat menghasilkan sirop bercita rasa khas yang menjadi oleh-oleh khas Sumatera Utara. Sekaligus memperlihatkan cara mengolah markisa kepada Bobby Nasution dengan apik sebagai tradisi turun temurun.
Menurutnya, bisnis Markisa Noerlen awalnya dirintis ibundanya bernama Noerlen sejak tahun 1985. “Saya melanjutkan dan mengembangkan bisnis ini. Pada masa itu markisa berlimpah dan gampang didapat, tidak seperti sekarang markisa sulit didapat,” ujarnya di Rumah Markisa Noerlen.
Kini Rachmi Novianti melanjutkan perjuangan ibundanya dengan menjadikan Markisa Noerlen bukan hanya sentra penjual oleh-oleh khas asal Kota Medan, tapi juga memberikan kesempatan kerja kepada masyarakat sekaligus sebagai pusat edukasi dan pariwisata.
“Untuk meningkatkan program wisata edukasi Markisa Noerlen, kami bekerjasama dengan pihak-pihak terkait baik itu dari pemerintah maupun elemen swasta seperti pihak travel agen di Kota Medan, termasuk pihak sekolah-sekolah dari tingkat SD hingga SMA,” ujar Rachmi.
Untuk kegigihan usaha rumah tangga ini, industri UMKM Markisa Noerlen meraih penghargaan Medan Tourism Award 2017 dalam kategori Pengusaha Pangan Lokal Terbaik kepada Noerlen Sirup Markisa dari pemerintah Kota Medan.
Dalam kesempatan itu, Rachmi Novianti menitip pesan kepada Bobby, yang disebut-sebut akan maju menjadi calon Wali Kota Medan periode 2020-2025, agar memprioritaskan UMKM sebagai sektor penggerak ekonomi di Kota Medan.
“Saya berharap sektor UMKM jangan hanya dijadikan pajangan dan dimanfaatkan dalam jangka pendek semata. Keinginan kami tidak muluk-muluk kok, bukan juga melulu soal bantuan dana, tapi hendaknya dirangkul dan difasilitasi agar produk UMKM di Kota Medan bisa dikenal lebih luas sampai ke luar negeri,” harap Rachmi.
Harapan Rachmi Novianti itu diamini pengusaha travel Quality Journey, Karta dan istrinya Silva yang kebetulan berada di tempat tersebut. Menurutnya, pembinaan terhadap pengusaha UMKM akan sangat membantu peningkatan kunjungan wisata di Kota Medan.
“Sebenarnya hampir setiap hari ada 30-an bus wisata yang membawa wisatawan asing di Kota Medan ini. Tapi kadang kami kebingungan membawa wisatawan itu berkeliling Kota Medan. Padahal mereka membawa uang untuk dibelanjakan,” ujar Karta.
Pada kesempatan itu, Bobby Nasution mengaku bangga dengan konsep wisata edukasi yang kini dikembangkan Markisa Noerlen. Menurutnya, apa yang dilakukan Rachmi Novianti sangat bagus karena menggabungkan kegiatan wisata dengan muatan pendidikan di dalamnya.
“Saya rasa program wisata edukasi sudah saatnya bisa dikembangkan sehingga generasi milenial bisa lebih mengenal dan mencintai produksi lokalnya sendiri,” kata Bobby. Apalagi kata Bobby, dalam perekonomian, sektor Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah ini tergolong kepada sektor riil yang memiliki daya tahan yang tinggi terhadap krisis global.
“Sektor UMKM membantu mempercepat laju pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu daerah karena sektor ini dipengaruhi kewirausahaa (entrepreneurship), yang banyak menyerap tenaga kerja. Satu hal lagi, kita punya sejarah, krisis ekonomi yang terjadi di Indonesia pada tahun 1998 sudah cukup menjelaskan bagaimana sektor UMKM bertahan dari hantaman krisis,” ujar Bobby.
Bobby berharap kedepannya, ada kolaborasi yang baik dengan semua pihak dalam pengembangan industri pariwisata. “Kuncinya saya kira penting ada roadmap yang kongkrit mendatangkan wisatawan di Kota Medan. Salah satunya, bagaimana kolaborasi sektor kuliner UMKM dengan para pemangku wisata di Kota Medan, khususnya pihak travel dalam peningkatan wisatawan di Kota Medan,” demikian Bobby. (rel/ts-05)
The post Bobby Nasution Kunjungi Industri UMKM Markisa Noerlen appeared first on tobasatu.com.
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SINGAPURA – Prestasi emas ditorehkan Wonderful Indonesia. Mereka memborong 4 award dari Asia Dive Expo (Adex) Singapura 2019. Lebih spesial, salah 1 award berlabel Adex Best Tourism Destination of The Year. Adex Singapura 2019 digelar 11-14 April 2019. Lokasinya berada di Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Center, Level 4, Hall 401-405, Singapura. Event ke-25 tersebut semakin mengesankan. Sebab, ada 4 award yang diberikan kepada Wonderful Indonesia. Ceremony-nya sudah dilakukan Jumat (12/4) malam waktu setempat. Penghargaan ini diserahkan langsung oleh COE Adex 2019 John Thet. “Indonesia layak mendapatkan award ini. Sebab, destinasi di sana memang luar biasa bagi para divers. View bawah lautnya sangat eksotis dengan beragam experience yang ditawarkan,” jelas John Thet pada Jumat (12/4). Award yang diterima Wonderful Indonesia diantaranya Adex Best Tourism Destination of The Year. Ada juga 2 Adex Award for Outstanding Contribution to Dive Tourism dan Adex Official Country Partner of The Year. Deputi Bidang Pengembangan Pemasaran I Kemenpar Rizki Handayani pun mengungkapkan, 4 award ini membuat branding Indonesia semakin sempurna. “Kami tentu gembira mendapatkan 4 penghargaan sekaligus dari Adex 2019. Apalagi, ada penghargaan bergengsi berupa Adex Best Tourism Destination of The Year. Dengan pengakuan ini, branding di Adex ini semakin optimal. Sebab, pasar Singapura kini semakin percaya dengan kualitas yang ditawarkan oleh destinasi Indonesia,” ungkap Rizki. Branding masif dilakuan Indonesia di Adex 2019. Paviliun milik Indonesia disajikan megah. Menguatkan warna wisata bahari, replika Kapal Pinisi pun ditampilkan. Indonesia menyertakan 32 industri wisatanya selama 3 hari penyelenggaraan Adex 2019. Sebut saja, Kuhita Dive Maratua, Safari Tour & Travel, SDS Academy, Anema Resort Gili Lombok, juga Iboh Dive Center. Selain fisik, Indonesia juga menyiapkan amunisi terbaik guna memikat publik Singapura. Total ada 10 destinasi diving terbaik Indonesia yang ditawarkan. Anggota Top 10 Indonesia Diving Destination ini berada di Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), dan Kalimantan Timur. Ada juga Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Tenggara, Maluku, dan Papua Barat. “Wisata bahari Indonesia memiliki potensi besar. Sebaran destinasinya beragam dengan karakter khas. Hal ini tentu menjadi daya tarik utama para divers dunia. Selain alamnya, para divers dunia juga bisa menikmati warna eksotis budayanya. Yang jelas, wisata bahari Indonesia yang terbaik,” terang Rizki lagi. Wisata bahari Indonesia khususnya panorama bawah airnya memang snsasional. Perairan ini memiliki sekitar 76% kekayaan spesies karang di dunia ada nusantara. Untuk terumbu karangnya ada sekitar 600 spesies. Indonesia juga punya 37% dari spesies ikan karang di dunia. Total ada 3 Ribu jenis ikan. Asdep Bidang Pengembangan Pemasaran I Regional I Kemenpar Dessy Ruhati mengatakan, value Adex besar. “Award ini jadi penegas keeksotisan wisata bahari Indonesia. Terlepas dari itu, potensi pasar Singapura juga menjanjikan. Sejauh ini respon publik Singapura juga sangat bagus. Paviliun Indonesia pun dipadati pengunjung. Selain menanyakan informasi, publik juga melakukan deal-deal positif. Kami optimistis bisa mendapatkan banyak value dari Adex 2019 ini,” kata Dessy. Pameran ke-25 tahun ini diprediksi menarik minat 62.079 orang pengunjung. Wisatawan Negeri Singa pun dibidik target 2,12 Juta orang pada 2019. Angka ini naik 24,7% dari tahun lalu. Sepanjang 2018, arus masuk wisatawan Singapura berjumlah 1,77 Juta orang. Menteri Pariwisata (Menpar) Arief Yahya pun memaparkan, 4 award dari Adex 2019 menjadi Calibration, Confidence, hingga Credibel. Pengakuan ini otomatis menaikan daya saing wisata bahari Indonesia secara umum, lebih khusus di Adex 2019. “Destinasi wisata bahari Indonesia memang luar biasa. Pengakuan ini makin riil dengan beragam award dari Adex 2019. Publik kini bisa membandingkan kualitas wisata bahari Indonesia dengan lainnya. Hal ini jelas menaikan kredibilitas sekaligus kepercayaan diri wisata bahari Indonesia. Silahkan datang ke Indonesia dan buktikan langsung pesona bawah airnya,” tutup Menpar. (*)
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Nominations open for inaugural Even Field "Effort & Attitude Awards"
January 23, 2025
The Rhode Island Interscholastic League is proud to partner with Even Field on the inaugural Even Field Honors Awards Ceremony, slated for May 22, 2025 from 5:30-8 p.m. at the Memorial Union on the University of Rhode Island campus. The event will celebrate Character and Leadership in school sports by sharing experiences from the playing field that inspire the best in us.
Even Field’s Effort & Attitude Awards ™ recognize student-athletes, teams, coaches, game officials & others who demonstrate:
Principled leadership
Competitive integrity
If you are an RIIL coach, administrator or game official and have seen these qualities in competition, help us bring those stories to light. Submit your nomination(s) for an Effort & Attitude Award at evenfield.org.
For more information, take a minute to watch this short video from former ESPN radio host and Even Field founder Chuck Wilson:
Even Field Honors message from Chuck Wilson
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11th annual RIIL Awards Breakfast slated for May 10
April 20, 2023
WARWICK, RI - The Rhode Island Interscholastic League will honor 21 individuals, including 16 student-athletes, for their exemplary achievements over the past year at its 11th annual RIIL Awards Breakfast, to be held Wednesday, May 10, 2023 from 9-11:15 a.m. at Valley Country Club in Warwick (Registration from 8:30-9 a.m.).
Tickets, which cost $26 per person, may be purchased online at https://gofan.co/app/school/RIIL by May 5th. Should you have any questions, please contact Susana Borges via email at [email protected] or by phone at the League Office at 401-272-9844. No tickets will be sold at the door.
The honorees:
RIIL Student-Athlete of the Year Awards
Presented by Blue Cross & Blue Shield of RI
Andrew Ciarniello, North Kingstown High School
Maeve Crowley, Rogers High School
RIIL Leadership & Service Awards
Presented by Bank Rhode Island
Susanna Henderson, Cumberland High School
Adria Labossiere, Davies Career & Technical High School
Dylan Walker, Rogers High School
John Wiest, Middletown High School
RIIL Distinguished Achievement Award
Caroline Cummings, La Salle Academy
Sophia Gorriaran Moses Brown School
Jillian Leahy, Lincoln High School
Alex Mega, East Greenwich High School
Marcus Chung, Cranston High School West
Devan Kipyego, St. Raphael Academy
Brady Kitterick, Cranston High School East
Marco Wiharso, Scituate High School
RIIL Unified Sports Award
Tyler Osberg, Coventry High School
Emily Smith, Coventry High School
RIIL Distinguished Service Award:
David Glasberg, Cross Country Coach, Ponaganset High School
Greg Kortick, Athletic Director, West Warwick High School
Frank Laliberte, RIIL Tennis Director & Pawtucket Schools Assistant AD
Karen Massaro, Athletic Director, Middletown High School
Kelly Teixeira, Athletic Trainer, Ortho Rhode Island
#RIIL Awards Breakfast#RIIL Student-Athlete of the Year#Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island#Andrew Ciarniello#Maeve Crowley#Rogers#North Kingstown
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RIIL Expands Partnership with Rhode Island Energy
Warwick, RI (February 5, 2025) — The Rhode Island Interscholastic League (RIIL) is pleased to announce it has signed an expanded partnership with Rhode Island Energy. As part of the new partnership, Rhode Island Energy will be the presenting sponsor of the 2025 RIIL Gymnastics State Championships. This year’s state meet will be held over a two-day period at Rhode Island College, beginning with the RIIL Division I and Division II Gymnastics Team Championships, set to take place Saturday evening, February 15th at The Murray Center, immediately following the Rhode Island College women’s gymnastics tri-meet. The Midge Palmer Individual Gymnastic State Championship will be held on Sunday afternoon, February 16th.
In addition, Rhode Island Energy will serve as presenting sponsor of the Alice Sullivan Award, which will be given out this spring at the 2025 RIIL Awards Breakfast. This award will be given to an individual who exemplifies the life, character and enthusiasm for female athletics displayed by the late Alice Sullivan, who was the driving force behind girls sports being added to the Rhode Island Interscholastic League in the late 1960s and served as the RIIL’s first director of girls sports.
Rhode Island Energy also will continue to serve as the proud presenting sponsor of the RIIL Boys and Girls Soccer State Championships.
“We’re proud to provide additional support to RIIL and this year’s Gymnastics State Championships.” said Greg Cornett, president of Rhode Island Energy. “Not only do our nearly 1,400 union and non-union employees live and work here, but we are also neighbors, friends, parents, fellow parishioners, and customers. It is important for us to play our part in supporting our community, and we’re especially thankful to RIIL for giving us this expanded opportunity.”
“We are thankful for Rhode Island Energy’s expanded commitment in support of the value of educational school-based athletics in our state.” said RIIL Executive Director Michael Lunney. “We look forward to our continued work together in providing the best possible experiences for our student athletes.”
About Rhode Island Energy
Rhode Island Energy provides essential energy services to over 770,000 customers across Rhode Island through the delivery of electricity or natural gas. Our team is dedicated to helping Rhode Island customers and communities thrive, while supporting the transition to a cleaner energy future. Rhode Island Energy is part of the PPL Corporation (NYSE: PPL) family of companies addressing energy challenges head-on by building smarter, more resilient and more dynamic power grids and advancing sustainable energy solutions. For more information visit www.RIEnergy.com.
About the Rhode Island Interscholastic League
The Rhode Island Interscholastic League is a voluntary organization of high school and middle school principals who pledge that their schools and participants will support and follow the Rules and Regulations of the League. The RIIL is a support organization to its membership and administers championships in 31 sports and activities to its membership, which includes approximately 73 public, charter, private, and parochial high schools and 61 middle schools (grades 6-8). More than 40,000 student-athletes compete annually in thousands of competitions among Rhode Island Interscholastic League member schools.
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Passages: RIIL Hall of Famer Richard Stapleton a calm, steady mentor to the high school gymnastics community for 50+ years
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August 7, 2024
The RIIL offers its deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Dick Stapleton, a longtime educator, gymnastics coach and official, who passed away at the age of 85 on July 27, 2024.
Inducted into the RIIL High School Athletic Hall of Fame in 2019, Stapleton was a health and physical education teacher in Warwick for 22 years. He coached the Toll Gate girls gymnastics team from 1975 to 1990 and then the R.I. College women’s gymnastics team from 1992 to 1998. He had judged high school gymnastics for the last 23 years, formerly serving as the RIIL’s co-director of the sport and co-assignor of officials.
At the 2024 RIIL Gymnastics State Championships last winter, awards presented to the individual champions were named in honor of longtime contributors to Rhode Island gymnastics. As such, Bars Champion Lauren Horrigan of La Salle Academy was presented with the Richard Stapleton Award in Stapleton's honor.
Relatives and friends are invited to a Celebration of Life Service, Sunday August 11, 2024 at noon, in North Scituate Baptist Church, 619 West Greenville Rd, North Scituate, RI.
More on Richard Stapleton from his 2019 induction into the RIIL High School Athletic Hall of Fame:
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Introducing 2024 RIIL Student-Athlete of the Year Wayne McNamara of Lincoln High School
On May 8, 2024, the Rhode Island Interscholastic League and Official Hometown Health Partner Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island presented the 2024 RIIL Student-Athlete of the Year Award to Leila Hopkins of Classical High School and Wayne McNamara of Lincoln High School at the 12th annual RIIL Awards Breakfast, held at the Quonset O Club in North Kingstown.
Here are excerpts from the presentation of Wayne's award, made by BCBSRI Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Officer Melissa Cummings:
I’m honored to be presenting this year’s Student-Athlete of the Year awards, which recognize the outstanding efforts of two seniors in Rhode Island high school athletic programs. These awards are given to student-athletes who excel in the classroom and during competition, who participate in multiple school-sponsored sports, and who demonstrate good citizenship in their school and in their community.
Our next Student-Athlete of the Year award goes to Wayne McNamara of Manville. A team captain and five-time All-State honoree in volleyball and basketball, Wayne has also collected multiple MVP, All-League, All-Division, and All-Academic awards throughout his time at Lincoln High School.
This past basketball season, he was named the Division 2 Player of the Year and wrapped up his senior season as Lincoln’s second-leading scorer all-time… with more than 1,300 career points!
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In volleyball, he helped lead his team to a perfect 16-0 record and the regular-season title as a sophomore. His junior year, he guided Lincoln to the Division 2 state championship. His senior season is happening right now, so we’ll see what other awards he adds to his collection!
Outside of competition, Wayne ranks third in his class with a weighted GPA of 4.989, is a member of FBLA, a percussionist in the school band, a member of the ping pong club, and president of his senior class. He’s also active within the community, volunteering at places like the Boys & Girls Club of Northern Rhode Island and Basketball Club of Rhode Island.
In his nomination for this award, Wayne’s athletic director described him as one of the best student-athletes ever to play at Lincoln High School. His math teacher said he inspires her to do a better job, and be a better teacher. His English teacher said, “If our country had more people like Wayne McNamara in it, society would be in a much better position to realize our nation’s ideals.”
WOW!!! Those are some incredible endorsements!!
All three of these individuals also said that the most impressive thing about Wayne is simply who he is as a PERSON. He is a natural-born leader… a role model… intelligent… engaging… gracious… inspiring. He is a remarkable young man who has overcome adversity and who ALWAYS puts his family, friends, teammates, and classmates first.
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It is a privilege to present this award to such an impressive young man, who will be attending Brown University next fall as a Biology major with a focus in Pre-Med. Please join me in congratulating Wayne McNamara, and welcoming him up here to receive his Student-Athlete of the Year award!
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Introducing 2024 RIIL Student-Athlete of the Year Leila Hopkins of Classical High School
On May 8, 2024, the Rhode Island Interscholastic League and Official Hometown Health Partner Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island presented the 2024 RIIL Student-Athlete of the Year Award to Leila Hopkins of Classical High School and Wayne McNamara of Lincoln High School at the 12th annual RIIL Awards Breakfast, held at the Quonset O Club in North Kingstown.
Here are excerpts from the presentation of Leila's award, made by BCBSRI Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Officer Melissa Cummings:
I’m honored to be presenting this year’s Student-Athlete of the Year awards, which recognize the outstanding efforts of two seniors in Rhode Island high school athletic programs. These awards are given to student-athletes who excel in the classroom and during competition, who participate in multiple school-sponsored sports, and who demonstrate good citizenship in their school and in their community.
Our first award is being given to Leila Hopkins of Classical High School. An outstanding track & field athlete – and captain of both the indoor and outdoor teams – Leila is a 2-time All-State and All-Division pole vaulter, a 3-time All-Division high jumper, and an All-Division triple jumper in Outdoor competition. For Indoor, she’s collected 4 All-State awards in the pole vault, and 4 All-Division awards in the high jump. She’s also earned All-Division honors in Cross Country, led Classical to the 2023 Indoor state championship, and was her team’s MVP during the 2023 Outdoor season.
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Photos Courtesy/Leila Hopkins
As a member of the Rhode Island Fencing Academy and Club’s most competitive team, Leila traveled to compete in the 2023 Junior Olympics and qualified for the 2023 Summer Nationals. She’s also a member of the Rhode Island Kung Fu Club and is a 2-time winner of the Kung Fu regional tournament.
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Photos Courtesy/Leila Hopkins
Academically, her unweighted GPA is 100.61! She’s an AP Scholar with Distinction, has received Summa Cum Laude and Magna Cum Laude awards, placed third in the State Science Olympiad for Chemistry Lab, has done independent studies with both Brown University and Johns Hopkins University, and ranks fourth in her class. Leila is also a YANG mentor as well as a tutor for both Math and Latin. AND she’s been her class president since 2021!
In her resume, Leila notes a saying that is used by her family members – “Leila does not fit in a day.” I’d say that seems like a pretty fair assessment!
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Now, if you’re like me, you’re probably wondering, “So, what’s next for Leila?” She will be attending the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University – which is ranked as one of the world's top international business school.
Please join me in congratulating Leila Hopkins, and welcoming her to the stage to receive her Student-Athlete of the Year award!
#Classical High School#Leila Hopkins#Leila W.X. Hopkins#Leila Welcome Xihui Hopkins#blue cross blue shield of ri#RIIL Student-Athlete of the Year
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Lincoln's Boulay selected as NFHS Heart of the Arts Section 1 award winner
April 29, 2024
Rhode Island Interscholastic League
Lincoln High School ceramics teacher Heather Binder sums up Lions student-athlete Evan Boulay quite succintly: “Evan is indeed a special human.”
“For Evan, once he finds something he loves, he puts everything into it and does the work it takes to excel,” she says.
“Then, he shares.”
Recognizing Boulay as “an individual who exemplifies the ideals of the positive heart of the arts that represent the core mission of education-based activities,” the Rhode Island Interscholastic League selected Evan Boulay as its candidate for the 2024 NFHS Heart of the Arts Award. The Lincoln junior was then selected by the NFHS Heart of the Arts Selection Committee to receive a NFHS Section Award for Section 1, one of only 8 section award winners in the entire country each year.
RIIL Executive Director Mike Lunney paid a surprise visit to Lincoln High School Monday morning to present Boulay with his award at the start of a student assembly in the school auditorium.
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RIIL Executive Director Mike Lunney looks on as Arestea Boulay congratulates her youngest son, Evan, on receiving the NFHS Heart of the Arts Section 1 Award.
The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) presents the Heart of the Arts Awards annually for many different reasons. In some cases, the individual may have “demonstrated exemplary “heart,” sportsmanship and/or citizenship.” In other instances, they may have “exceeded normal expectations in assisting others within the school or community.” Others have been recognized because they have “overcome adversity or a challenging circumstance.”
Boulay’s achievements and contributions demonstrate all of the above. Extremely active in the Lincoln High School community, he is a member of the Lions’ varsity volleyball team and also shares his knowledge of the game as a partner on the school’s unified volleyball team. In addition to being a member of the Select Chorus, he is a talented ceramic artist and potter and was recommended by Binder to serve as a ceramics intern.
“This opportunity. . . goes to students who love to share techniques and process through peer teaching,” Binder explained in her Heart of the Arts nomination of Boulay. “There are other duties and responsibilities such as loading kilns, studio upkeep and recycling clay, but students are primarily chosen because of their natural desire to teach what they know to anyone who wants to learn. That is exactly who Evan is, and he is willing to teach during his own time to students who are not currently enrolled in a ceramics class.”
All of these endeavors would prove to be a valuable outlet for Boulay last year as he watched his father courageously battle terminal pancreatic cancer.
“If you didn’t know Evan, you would not have known he was going through this horrible experience,” Binder said. “He said he didn’t want anyone treating him differently or to feel sorry for him. He kept his life as normal as possible while at school, then went home to Dad in in-home hospice.”
“I cannot express how much admiration I have for this human,” she added. “I have known many students in my long career as an educator, but Evan is a gem. He has a selflessness that makes me strive to be a better person.”
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Lincoln High principal Ken Hopkins, Jr., RIIL Executive Director Mike Lunney and Arestea Boulay took part in the surprise Heart of the Arts Award presentation to Evan Boulay.
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RIIL and Amica Mutual Pavilion announce Boys & Girls Divisional Basketball Championships moving back to the AMP
February 16, 2024
Seven Divisional Finals to be played March 4-6
Rhode Island Interscholastic League
(PROVIDENCE, R.I.) - The RIIL and Amica Mutual Pavilion announced today that the finals of the RIIL Boys & Girls Divisional Basketball Championships will be played, March 4-6, at the AMP in Downtown Providence. The slate will comprise seven championships – Boys Divisions I, II and III and Girls Divisions I, II, III and IV.
“We are excited that the Road to the Ryan Center for the Credit Union State Championships will also now include a stop in Providence at the AMP for the RIIL Boys & Girls Divisional Championship games,” RIIL Executive Director Mike Lunney said at a Friday morning press conference.
“Through a coordinated effort between the RIIL, [AMP General Manager] Larry Lepore, [Rhode Island Convention Center Authority Executive Director] Dan McConaghy and their staff over the last couple of years, we worked through some significant logistical challenges," Lunney said. "Ultimately, thanks to everyone’s persistence and especially thanks to the support of our friends at Amica Mutual, we're happy to say that the RIIL Boys and Girls High School Basketball Division Championships are coming back to Providence.”
From 1981 to 2004, the Providence Civic Center was the home of the RIIL Boys and Girls Division Basketball Championships.
“During those 23 years, high school basketball players across the state dreamed of having the opportunity to play at this great facility,” Lunney said. “I had the opportunity to take two teams to the Civic Center as head coach of the Portsmouth High School boys basketball team in 1996 and 1997. So I know how special this experience is for kids.”
Quarterfinal round games will be played Feb. 26 and 27 at the home sites of higher-seeded teams.
The semifinal rounds will be played March 1-3 at East Providence High School, Cranston East High School, Cumberland High School and Rhode Island College.
The Divisional Finals will then be played over a three-day period at the AMP beginning on March 4 with the title games for Girls Division IV (4 p.m.), Girls Division III (6 p.m.) and Boys Division III (8 p.m.). The Girls Division III (6 p.m.) and Boys Division III (8 p.m.) championship games will be played on March 5. The Girls Division I (6 p.m.) and Boys Division I (8 p.m.) finals will be played on March 6.
“We look forward to putting on a first-class event,” said Lunney. “And I know that there is tremendous excitement among our 102 boys and girls high school basketball teams, who have been battling it out all season long for the chance to create their own special memories on the court right here at the AMP.”
Dan McConaghy recalled having the opportunity to play for La Salle Academy in what was then known as the Class A Championship at the Civic Center back in 1985. Although the Rams lost a 75-73 heartbreaker to Classical in a game that went into triple overtime, McConaghy says he will never forget what a special experience it was to play at the Civic Center.
"It was a really, really memorable experience for me, just to be able to walk in and look around and know that you were playing on the floor that PC played some of the greats here," he said. "I've been here now for three years. It's one of the most important things that I wanted to help bring back to the AMP because it was such an important experience for me as a young man and a boy at that time."
Friday's press conference also included a special dedication of the Media Room at the AMP in memory of late Providence Journal sports columnist Bill Reynolds. Larry Lepore, who had lobbied for the dedication of the room, and Reynolds' former Journal colleague Kevin McNamara offered a tribute to Bill, who was a sports columnist at the ProJo for nearly 40 years and also authored several award-winning books. Governor Dan McKee signed the Bill making the media room dedication official, as Bill Reynolds' longtime partner Liz Abbott looked on.
"I think it's only fitting, too, that we're going to be honoring Bill Reynolds because as we all know . . . Bill Reynolds was synonymous with basketball, and he definitely had an affinity for high school basketball," Lunney added. "For someone that grew up in the East Bay, I know he's a Barrington guy and I crossed paths with him a lot. He knows what a special experience this is, so I think combining this press conference together is an important thing. You knew - and kids knew - that when he showed up to one of your games, it was a big game. So when he was covering it, it was a big deal. Definitely a great opportunity for us to recognize and remember Bill."
Quarterfinal round games to be played Feb. 26 and 27 at the home site of higher seeded teams.
March 1 at East Providence High School
Girls Division II Semifinals, 5:30 & 8 p.m.
March 1 at Cranston East High School
Girls Division IV Semifinals, 5:30 & 8 p.m.
March 2 at East Providence High School
Boys Division II Semifinals, noon & 2:30 p.m.
March 2 at Cumberland High School
Boys Division III Semifinals, noon & 2:30 p.m.
March 2 at Cranston East High School
Girls Division III Semifinals, noon & 2:30 p.m.
March 3 at Rhode Island College
Boys Division I Semifinals, noon & 2 p.m.
Girls Division I Semifinals, 4 & 6 p.m.
March 4 at Amica Mutual Pavilion (AMP)
Girls Division IV Championship, 4 p.m.
Girls Division III Championship, 6 p.m.
Boys Division III Championship, 8 p.m.
March 5 at Amica Mutual Pavilion (AMP)
Girls Division II Championship, 6 p.m.
Boys Division II Championship, 8 p.m.
March 6 at Amica Mutual Pavilion (AMP)
Girls Division I Championship, 6 p.m.
Boys Division I Championship, 8 p.m.
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RIIL Executive Director Mike Lunney: "I know how special this experience is for kids.”
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Governor Dan McKee: "Bringing high school basketball into this facility is a big plus for our schools in the state."
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R.I. Convention Center Authority Dan McConaghy: "It's one of the most important things that I wanted to help bring back to the AMP..."
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Amica Mutual Pavilian GM Larry Lepore recalled how Bill Reynolds would sit in the media room with his chair facing the door "greeting others like he was the media ambassador."
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#RIIL#AMP#Amica Mutual Pavilion#Amica#Mike Lunney#Basketball#RIIL Divisional Basketball Championships
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RI Girls Soccer Officials president Al Ricci provides this recap of the RIGSO Sportsmanship Awards Dinner, in which East Greenwich, Portsmouth and Central Falls were recognized.
On Saturday January 27th, the Rhode Island Girls Soccer Officials held their annual Sportsmanship awards dinner.
Every fall soccer season, the RI Girls Soccer Officials recognize 3 teams for their outstanding sportsmanship during the fall high school soccer season. One team is selected from D1, D2 and D3/4 respectfully.
RIGSO has been giving the sportsmanship award for many years. Our organization, along with RIIL and NFHS wish to recognize teams that exemplify the positive values of the classroom to field experience.
After every match, the game officials rate each team from 4- Excellent to 1-Poor. Factors include sportsmanship of the players, coaches, and spectators. It is very evident that the 3 schools share one thing in common, a strong culture for positive values.
In D1, East Greenwich high school received the Maddie Potts memorial sportsmanship award. This is the 4th consecutive year that EG won this award. The award is named after Maddie Potts, a dynamic multi-sport student athlete at Chariho High School who passed away during her senior year at Chariho. Maddie exemplified the strong positive values of dedication, determination, and sportsmanship. It is in her honor that the Rhode Island Girls Soccer Officials recognize girls’ soccer teams that embody those values.
Pictured below are L-R Al Ricci RIGSO president, coach Nicole Bush, Senior captain from EG ,Teaghan Bristol, senior captain from EG, Julia Moore, head coach Karen Lockhart, Stefine and Dan Potts, Maddie’s mom and dad.
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In D2, Portsmouth High School received the Gianna Cirella memorial sportsmanship award. The award is named after Gianna Cirella. Gianna was a dynamic multi-sport student athlete at Toll Gate High School who passed away at the young age of 16. Gianna exemplified the strong positive values of friendship, teamwork, dedication and sportsmanship. It is in her honor that the Rhode Island Girls Soccer Officials recognize girls’ soccer teams that embody those values.
Pictured below are: RIGSO president Al Ricci, Skip and Tara Cirella, Gianna’s parents, Portsmouth coach James Nott, Portsmouth senior captains , Kaelyn Mahoney, Sophia Harousos, Lilt Ferreira and head coach of Portsmouth girls soccer ,Erin Hulse.
Portsmouth also won the D2 championship this season.
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In D3/4 Central Falls High School received the Jack Breetveld memorial sportsmanship award. Jack Breetveld was a long-time soccer official who spearheaded the development of soccer in the state of Rhode Island . Jack's vision in the early days of soccer, stressed the positive values of dedication, determination and good sportsmanship. It is in his honor that the Rhode Island Girls Soccer Officials recognize girls soccer teams that embody those values.
Pictured below are Central Falls head coach Roberto Vargas and RIGSO president Al Ricci.
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The Rhode Island Girls Soccer Officials wish to thank all the schools who participated in the fall high school soccer program. It was one of the most exciting and memorable seasons we have seen in many years.
#RIGSO#RI Girls Soccer Officials Association#Portsmouth#East Greenwich#Maddie Potts#Central Falls#Gianna Cirella#Sportsmanship#RIIL#nfhs
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RIIL/KyleCares Teen Mental Health Summit delivers message that “You Are Not Alone”
January 24, 2024
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Rhode Island Interscholastic League
PROVIDENCE, RI – More than 220 Rhode Island high school students and chaperones representing 31 schools attended the RIIL/KyleCares Teen Mental Health Summit, Friday, January 12, 2024 at Gaige Hall on the Rhode Island College campus. This important workshop - that we offered free of charge to students from RIIL member schools - stressed the importance of focusing on one's emotional well-being through self-care, encouraging those students who are struggling with their mental health to seek help and guiding them on the best ways to do so.
The conference began with keynote speaker Ivy Watts in the Gaige auditorium. Author of the book, “You Are Worth Fighting For,” Watts is a former All-American track and field athlete, who graduated Summa Cum Laude and finished as a Top 30 Finalist for the NCAA Woman of the Year Award. Despite her outward success as a student-athlete, she struggled in silence with her mental health and self-worth and now openly shares her story in the hopes of breaking the stigma around mental health.
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“I want you all to know that you can start today no matter how negative you’ve been with yourself in your past,” Watts told the attendees. “You can start today and can start pouring into your self-love and positivity. It’s something I wish I had done when I was your age.”
“You have an opportunity to start today,” Watts continued. “You have an opportunity to be gentle with yourself when you don’t do as well as you wanted to in a situation. You have an opportunity to be gentle with yourself and tell yourself that ‘I know I can start over. I know that I am worthy of starting over. I know that I did my best and that was good enough in that moment.
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“You can literally give yourself a hug, and that’s a really great way to know that you’re not alone in that moment,” said Watts, wrapping her arms around herself. “You can pour some love into yourself. You can put your hand over your heart and tell yourself that ‘I am safe. I am loved. I am good enough. I am smart. I am worthy.’ These are all tools that you can pour into your self-love starting today, no matter how negative you’ve been with yourself in the past.”
After listening to Watts, students and chaperones then rotated through nine breakout sessions throughout the morning and concluded with lunch at Donovan Dining Center. In light of the challenging themes brought up during the conference, a Mental Health Support Lounge staffed with licensed clinical psychologists was available throughout the day for anyone who needed to take a breather, calm and center themselves or chat with a counselor.
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Former Patriots running back Thomas Clayton, two-time Super Bowl Champion Tully Banta-Cain and mascot Pat Patriot paid a visit to Friday’s mental health summit, posing for photos with the students. Banta-Cain also took part in an entertaining Q&A session with participants during lunch that included a few of the students joining him on stage to sing Lean On Me.
This conference was offered as part of a unified proactive approach by the RIIL and KyleCares in advocating for mental health awareness across the RIIL community by promoting educational and training opportunities to high school principals and athletic directors and introducing the “KyleCares-WeCare” awareness campaign which hinges on the belief that “Mental Health Matters” as much as physical health.
Watts concluded her keynote speech by asking the audience to join her in repeating three positive affirmations: “I am worthy. I am capable. I am good enough.”
“You might be saying, well, the change isn’t going to happen overnight,” she said to the students. “Well, you’re right. It takes a lot of effort to begin to believe - for your body, your brain, to really believe these affirmations. It’s a consistent practice, just like anything else in your life. But just by saying these affirmations, your brain does hear it. Your brain does begin to believe it. And over time, you’re going to carry yourself differently, view yourself differently, love yourself differently and be able to accept yourself through all of the changes.”
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#RIIL/KyleCares Teen Mental Health Summit#RIIL#KyleCares#Kyle Johnson Foundation#RI College#Ivy Watts
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